Monday, June 9, 2008

Terrence Says 'No Thanks'

There's many stories to be told from the set. Having just seen Iron Man, here's a small one about one of the movies' actors, Terrence Howard. The time he talked to me. I was in New York City working on a street set of the upcoming movie "Fighting" starring...yes, Terrence Howard. For my part I was playing a 'religous leafleter' on the sidewalk. Peddling my tracts to anyone passing by, for the scene. Terrence is walking my way, and since I'm instructed to solicit any passer-by's, it seemed within natural reason that I would offer him a tract as well as he passed me. And ceartainly odd that I would ignore him as a potential target. I'm not sure he quite expected it, but said "no thanks." and continued on. Scene continued...cut was called, and they reset the scene for another take. And thanks for reading my moment with Terrence Howard.

1 comment:

Peggy Hagen said...

*scoff* Natural reason. What do you know about natural reason? You won't even admit to the essential, ensouled, incommunicable nature of a table - let alone reason!